The much-touted "mansion tax" was hailed as a panacea for Los Angeles' financial woes, promising to bring in a staggering $56 million per month. However, the harsh reality couldn't be further from the lofty promises.

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Home Inspection Cheat Sheet for Buyers
Featured, Tips Brad Christopher Featured, Tips Brad Christopher

Home Inspection Cheat Sheet for Buyers

Congratulations, your offer was accepted! You're finally going to get to own that dream home you've always wanted. Now what? You more than likely know that once you open escrow, you are going to need to do some inspections on the house or condo, that you are purchasing, but do you know what inspections you need to get? If not, it's ok, we have you covered. We've put together a nice little cheat sheet covering all the inspections you'll need, what they are and why you need them.

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